Technology based- instructional strategies during my coaching experience.
The coaching relationship that I have with my coachee has turned into a learning opportunity for the both of us. I have learned from her and she has learned from me as well. Her main goal is to progress from beginning (1) to the developing level (2) on one of her self profile elements. The particular element her and I will focus on is the engaging of students cognitively with complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing. My coachee is a science teacher so this element shouldn’t be that difficult to begin implementing. According to Marzano and Simms (2013) after a goal has been established the next step for the coach is to “provide an understanding of the important steps and parts of the strategy”(p. 37). One part of the strategy we are examining is the classroom setting. The classroom setting should mimic and exemplify the teachers’ expectations. The teacher should not only focus on the material and resources but also on the classroom environment / setting. Education World...