It's so hard to say goodbye...


It's hard to say goodbye! But I'm so happy to have made it through. As I look back and reflect on my program at the University of Montevallo, I realize how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. It wasn't easy to choose just three things that have impacted me the most. But I narrowed it down.  

1). The digital menu and tech tool training. This training enabled me to practice the ISTE coaching standard 4.5 professional learning facilitator. This standard focuses on coaching, planning, providing, and evaluating the impact of professional; learning for educators and leaders to use technology to advance teaching and learning. 

2). Development of ACIP strategy map. This objective helped me develop my skills in data-driven decision-making, which is ISTE coaching standard 4.6. My administrative team and I surveyed the teaching faculty to help create a plan for school improvement. The strategy map was developed based on the gathered data.

3). Classroom management professional development. This training was essential for new teachers and allowed me to share my knowledge and build the capacity of teacher leaders. This is an ISTE coaching standard 4.5b.

With every new assignment, I began to see a growth in my comfort level in both areas of coaching and leadership. As I worked on developing a digital menu and tech tools training, I began with a needs assessment of the faculty and staff. According to Gonzalez (2019), "It's how we design and use technology in schools that can truly improve students' learning outcomes". My goal was to help the teacher become more comfortable while becoming adequate technology users. 

The school-wide improvement plan was a great learning experience and exposure to the development of a plan that was solely based on data from stakeholders. According to Sheninger (2019), "Leaders must articulate a clear vision that, if we are to change, we must be willing to shed some strong embedded ideas, opinions, and behaviors that have shaped schools for over a century" (p. 33).

The professional development that I created was conducted with two schools, with more than 50 teachers, educators, and administrators. This professional development was essential in helping move the school district to utilize technology. As for the teachers' training, it is vital that leaders ensure teachers are trained and supported during the deployment stage. Lynch (2018) describes eight ways for old school teachers to embrace technology. His advice is for more senior teachers to be proactive, learn from the students, take small steps, set limits and goals, solicit feedback, establish class rules, and collaborate with their colleagues. 

During my degree program, I was exposed to many assignments and tech tools that can be useful inside and out of school environments. I have added to my knowledge and built capacity in different areas.

  • I can now manage a distance education platform and create and implement professional instructional development.
  • I can coach and mentor teachers in the various usage and implementation of technology in a classroom environment.
  • Research and develop a school equity audit.
  • Develop and create an action research proposal. 

My time at the University of Montevallo has spearheaded my next journey.


Emily Gonzalez (2019, October 9). The Value of Digital Tools in Science Classes. Edutopia

Lynch, M. (2018, December 8). 8 Ways For Old School Teachers to Embrace technology. The Tech Edvocate.


[Photo]. Meme Generator. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from

Sheninger, E. C. (2019). Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times. A joint publication of Corwin ICLE.


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